Online Classes

During periods of Coronavirus restrictions which made ake in-person training difficult or impossible, Anita and Ben held online classes during the week.

These classes have become popular in their own right, and scheduled Chi Kung/ Tai Chi classes are available weekly now

You will be able to connect via Zoom and 'see' your teacher.

Chi Kung/ Tai Chi

Zoom online sessions:

  • £5 per session or £16 per calendar month


  • Monday 09:00 - Anita Ho, Chi Kung / Tai Chi

All welcome.

Preparing to join an online session

  • You can access Zoom through your web browser - just click the applicable link above. Zoom will download a ‘browser client’ the first time you join a meeting, so it will pay off to do this 10 minutes ahead of joining your first Q&A

  • You should not need to enter a password

  • Alternatively download and install the Zoom app to your computer, phone or tablet - you can download these apps, click ⇒ here

  • When you click on a Zoom link, and you have the Zoom app installed, your device will ask whether you want to open that app - say yes

Please note that dial-in by telephone may not be available and you are advised to connect to the Zoom meeting from your computer browser, or the Zoom app on your mobile or tablet device.

Contact Anita if you have question about these sessions.